Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to skooool...

Bidding for modules again. i hate this process... although it's good that i choose what i want to study but the process to get to it is so taxing.

new semester of the new year. hope i make more friends and be more sociable this time around.

result last sem was A-B+B-B-C+ CAP 3.5 not bad for my first semester considering that the modules which i thought is going to be the hardest got A- but ironically, the core module that i put in the most effort actually got me a C+...

this semester i'm taking up theatre studies wohoo. hope it's going to be fun ahah. i don't mind heavy workload as long as it is fun fun fun :D

i'm going to leave korean language level 1 to next semester because a) i don't have enough bidding points to shed some blood in the CORS website against those pesky seniors and b) one heavy workload module is enough for one semester haha

back to skool in a week! don't know how i should feel right now. reluctant or excited?